Friday, August 12, 2011

Therefore remind (men) in case the reminder profits (them).

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Yes, sopan kan di bulan Ramadhan yang penuh keberkatan ni? Ahaha...

So many things I've learned yet so little time I have to share them here... Research and things at home are currently preoccupying most of my time.

But today, nak mencuri a bit of my time (sebab baru lepas jumpa supervisor and ilham untuk buat the newly assigned task belum datang lagi) and share something that I learned from yesterday's tazkirah given by this one lecturer-cum-Ustaz from UKM.

Kadang-kadang rasa macam nak bawak camcorder je time dengar all those tazkirah given at the surau in my neighbourhood. Saya tau saya semangat...biasala, orang baru nak belajar kan... lepas tu bila dapat tau rasa teruja pulak nak share...

Sabl bin Mu’ddh bin Anas narrated from his father that the Prophet S.A.W said: “Whoever teaches some knowledge will have the reward of the one who acts upon it, without that detracting from his reward in the slightest.”
( Sunan Ibn e Majah, Book of Sunnah, Hadith no 240, Classified as Hasan By Allama Albani)

(Kalau ada salah silap in my attempt untuk berkongsi apa yang dipelajari, apologies in advance.)

The topic was about how during this holy fasting month, dengan Syaitan dirantai di neraka dan pintu neraka ditutup serapat-rapatnya, masih ada berlakunya kejahatan dan jenayah-jenayah tak berperikemanusia such as an Ustaz caught sexually abusing a 13 year old student (that was the example given).

So the Ustaz, (the speaker) explained that yes, setiap satu Syaitan memang dirantai dan diikat sepanjang bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ni. Nafsu yang tak diikat.

Nafsu itself is a makhluk. When we say makhluk (Allah's creation), automatically dalam kepala akan bayangkan something physical, yang boleh nampak depan mata. But he goes on and say that within us resides 2 other makhluk.

Akal and Nafsu.

Once there was this dialogue between Allah, Akal and Nafsu after Dia menciptakan both of them:

“Siapa kau dan siapa Aku?”. Lalu dijawab oleh akal tadi, “Kau ialah Tuhan Yang Maha Mulia dan aku ialah hamba-Mu yang maha hina”. Kemudian, Allah memanggil pula Nafsu. Ditanyakan kepada nafsu soalan yang sama yang ditanyakan kepada akal sebentar tadi. “Siapa kau dan siapa Aku?”. Dengan sombongnya nafsu menjawab, “Kau ialah kau dan aku ialah aku”. Allah pun menjadi murka and He sent Nafsu untuk diseksa di dalam neraka for 1000 tahun. After 1000 tahun, He called upon Nafsu again and asked the same question. Still Nafsu gave the same haughty answer and again it was sent to neraka for another 1000 years. Selepas tu for the third time Allah asked Nafsu again and finally Nafsu answered "Kau ialah Tuhan Yang Maha Mulia dan aku ialah hamba-Mu yang maha hina”.

(Nak tau lebih lanjut, boleh la google kitab karangan Ustman bin Hasan bin Ahmad Asy-Syaakir Alkhaubawiyi.)

So, the ustaz emphasized betapa degilnya Nafsu ni in comparison to akal yang by default memang akan taat pada arahanNya.

Puasa bukan sekadar menahan diri dari lapar and dahaga. It is a constant battle with our own nafsu/lust/worldly wants. Backbiting is a Nafsu. Liat nak tinggalkan comforter yang oh-so-comfy di waktu tengah malam to perform solat Tahajjud is a Nafsu. Melambat-lambatkan waktu solat sebab tengah nak komen status kawan kat facebook is also a Nafsu.

Sekadar memberi contoh that I myself can personally relate to. Guilty as charged! Hence, this also serves as a reminder to my own self la jugak...

Okay, dipendekkan cerita, and to agree with what Farihna wrote on her blog, fasting should not be a reason for one not to perform or carry on with the daily routines or activities se-optimum mungkin. In fact, bulan puasa ni, kalau kita buat suatu kerja tu niat sebab Dia akan jadi ibadat and pahala memang... goodness gracious besar. Semua ibadat, even tidur (kalau tidur ikut sunah Rasul) akan dapat pahala. 70 kali ganda okay...

Masa mula-mula dapat tahu, rasa macam rugi je tahun-tahun sebelum ni tak menghayati betul-betul maksud beribadah di bulan Ramadhan.

Tu belum masuk lagi tang pintu syurga and langit dibuka seluas-luasnya untuk Dia terima semua doa-doa kita. Direct contact. Ask for anything yang baik-baik from Him, mengadu la pada Dia, rintih la pada Dia to ask for forgiveness...belum tentu we'll live long enough to see the next Ramadhan.

Okay, I could go on and on...but I think I should go and hadap my research task now.

The first phase of Ramadhan is over. We're now in the second phase, Pengampunan.

Jom dating tengah malam nanti dengan Dia okay?

Jangan lupa mengaji jugak. Quoting Hlovate, verses of Quran are like Allah's personal love letters from us.

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