Thursday, December 02, 2010

Loving you is like food to my soul

I'm vain enough I guess to actually cry when I look at myself in the mirror...

"Sakit itu penghapus dosa" is what they say.

Because I don't have the guts to look in the mirror when applying the Calamine lotion on my face, my mother is currently the one who gets to do the messy job.

One week has passed and still she's the one applying the lotion onto my face every night.

And earlier this evening I asked her the million dollar question I've been wanting to ask while she was dabbing more lotion on me.

"Mama tak geli ke tengok muka along?"

What she responded, while it was predictable, I knew it was genuine from her heart and not some excessively-sugar-coated-answer that was meant to spare my feelings.






May this be a reminder dear Self, if you ever think of making her sad in the future.

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